Tips on starting a business from a woman-owned company!
“Um, no”
“Your dad?”
“Um, no!”
Well-Bean Coffee Roasters is proud to be a woman-owned coffee roaster from Wake Forest, North Carolina. The best part is that we’re doing big things and loving every minute of it! Have you seen our essential oils infused coffee? Or our hilarious dollar shave club parody? If not, we’ll point you to those later!
Right now, we want to sit down and have a big chat with all you strong, determined, beautiful, incredible women out there! Every single one of you has the potential to be anything you want to be.
1. Write down your goals

2. Research, Research, Research!
Now that you’ve identified your goals, it’s time to start moving them forward. Are you an expert in what it is you want to do? If not, maybe sign up for some classes or head on over to the school of YouTube. It’s more than likely that someone somewhere has executed something similar to what you’d like to do. Go look it up. See what they are doing that works. What do you like? What would you change? Soak in all the details and get to know your niche.
3. Ask for help

It’s really easy to try to be your own army, but the bottom line is, you can’t do everything on your own. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share in your passion and lean on them. They’ll lighten the load and you’ll see more progress in the long run.
4. Set a deadline with a realistic timeline
“I want to own my own business.” Do you now? That’s great! When are you going to get started? What are you going to do to get there?We prefer to work backward. Set a launch date for your new venture and write down all the things you need to do to get there. Then, start breaking down the timeline from the launch date until now. Write down what you are going to do TODAY to get started. What items can you check off your list this week or this month?
Get going! The clock is ticking!
5. Learn from your mistakes

6. Pay it forward
All these obstacles that you will likely face along the way are only temporary. So, when you get past them, reach out your hand to the next woman. Our goal in this world of business is to empower women. We want to help them achieve greatness because the more we’re surrounded by those with the same vision, the better we all are for it. So girl, when you’re on the top of that ladder, help the next person up.
There’s a quote in the book Yes Please by Saturday Night Live’s Amy Poehler that we love. She says, "I believe great people do things before they are ready." Read that again because we know you’re throwing out every excuse right not on why it’s not a good time to start, but the bottom line is, there’s never a good time. Take the leap of faith. If it fills your heart with happiness, it’s worth the risk.
And when all else fails… have a good laugh.
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